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PSR J1740-5340: Accretion inhibited by radio ejection in a binary millisecond pulsar in the globular cluster NGC 6397

机译:PSR J1740-5340:球状星团NGC 6397中的二进制毫秒脉冲星中的无线电射流抑制了积聚



We present an evolutionary scenario for the spin-up and evolution of binary millisecond pulsars, according to which the companion of the pulsar PSR J1740-5340, recently discovered as a binary with orbital period of 32.5 hr in the globular cluster NGC 6397, is currently in a phase of radio-ejection mass loss from the system. The optical counterpart is a star as luminous as the cluster turnoff stars, but with a lower T-eff ( a larger radius), which we model with a star of initial mass compatible with the masses evolving in the cluster (similar to0.85 M-circle dot). This star has suffered Roche lobe overflow while evolving off the main sequence, spinning up the neutron star to the present period of 3.65 ms. At present, Roche lobe overflow due to the nuclear evolution of the pulsar companion and to systemic angular momentum losses by magnetic braking is still going on, but accretion is inhibited by the momentum exerted by the radiation of the pulsar on the matter at the inner Lagrangian point. The presence of this matter around the system is consistent with the long-lasting irregular radio eclipses seen in the system. Roche lobe deformation of the mass losing component is also necessary to be compatible with the optical light curve. The radio-ejection phase, which had been recently postulated by us to deal with the problem of the lack of submillisecond pulsars, can be initiated only if the system is subject to intermittency in the mass transfer during the spin-up phase. In fact, only when the system is detached is the pulsar radio emission not quenched and possibly able to prevent further mass accretion because of the action of the pulsar pressure at the inner Lagrangian point. We propose and discuss the idea that a plausible reason for the system to be expected to detach is the irradiation of the mass-losing component by the X-ray emission powered during the accretion phase. We finally discuss the consequences of the binary evolution leading to PSR J1740-5340, and its relation to other possible optical counterparts.
机译:我们提出了二进制毫秒脉冲星自旋和进化的进化方案,根据该场景,脉冲星PSR J1740-5340的同伴最近在球状星团NGC 6397中被发现为轨道周期为32.5 hr的二进制,目前在系统的射电质量损失阶段。光学对应物是一颗与团簇关闭恒星一样发光的恒星,但具有较低的T-eff(较大的半径),我们用初始质量与团簇内演化的质量兼容的恒星建模(类似于0.85 M -圆点)。这颗恒星在脱离主要序列时遭受了罗氏波瓣溢出,使中子星旋转到目前的3.65毫秒。目前,由于脉冲星伴星的核演化和电磁制动引起的系统角动量损失而导致的罗氏裂叶溢流仍在继续,但由于脉冲星对内拉格朗日物质的辐射施加的动量抑制了积聚。点。该物质在系统周围的存在与系统中长期存在的不规则无线电蚀相一致。质量损失分量的罗氏波瓣变形也是必要的,以与光学曲线兼容。我们最近假定用来解决亚毫秒脉冲星缺乏问题的射电阶段只有在系统在加速阶段中受到传质间歇性影响时才能启动。实际上,只有当系统脱离时,脉冲星的无线电发射才不会被熄灭,并且可能由于内部拉格朗日点上脉冲星压力的作用而阻止进一步的质量增加。我们提出并讨论了这样一个想法,即预期系统会分离的一个可能原因是在积聚阶段通过供电的X射线对质量损失组分的照射。最后,我们讨论了导致PSR J1740-5340二进制演变的后果,及其与其他可能的光学对等物的关系。



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